コメント:会社経営をしている夫と妻は会社の従業員を家に招いた。その理由は従業員にバレないように、こっそり、あれやこれやとイチャイチャする為だ。夜の営みがマンネリ化していた夫婦は、このスリルが堪らなく興奮するようで行為はどんどんエスカレートしていく。仕舞には、夫の命令で妻が従業員の入浴中に全裸で乱入する…。A husband and wife who run a company invite the company's employees to their house. The reason for this is to secretly make out with them in such and such a way that the employees don't find out. The husband and wife、 who have been in a rut with their nightly activities、 find this thrill unbearably exciting、 and their activities escalate. Finally、 at the husband's behest、 the wife bursts into the employee's bathing room completely naked...